For the last couple of years now i grow in the polytunnels 12 months of the year, the permaculture setting is working great for me using permanent raised bands/beds, just starting fragile crops seeds at present indoor (tomatoes,peppers,chillies,aubergines,melon) to have them ready for transferring in may/june, at this stage, the onions,elephant and normal garlic, romanesco, salads etc… will be harvested and the bands will be amended with natural home made fertiliizers and compost.

I planted a second flat peaches tree, same as the one already in place for last couple of years, it produces an abundent amount of tasty fruits for a dwarf type tree.

I am removing the Alpine strawberries from the polytunnel and will plant the new Gariguettes from last years runners instead.

Still very wet outside but starting to work and amend the outside beds, i also started the covering of my “food forest” with cardboards and natural woodships, i’ll be using this around the garden to minimise weeds.

That’s it for now…

Happy gardening !